Can Humility Bring Happiness in Life? The Relationship Between Life Aspirations, Subjective Well-Being, and Humility
Journal Title: Roczniki Psychologiczne - Year 2013, Vol 16, Issue 3
A survey was carried out to explore the relationship between life aspirations, subjective well-being, and humility (i.e., accepting one's own limitations, accepting oneself and reality, no desire for control, making use of one's failures to improve oneself, and not putting on airs). The results indicated that humility may serve as a predictor of intrinsic aspirations and subjective well-being. Furthermore, it was established that intrinsic aspirations correlate positively with self-acceptance and acceptance of reality whereas extrinsic aspirations correlate negatively with a lack of desire for control. Two dimensions of humility: (a) recognizing one's own limitations and (b) self-acceptance and acceptance of reality positively correlate with subjective well-being.
Authors and Affiliations
Anna Zawadzka, Justyna Zalewska
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