Carcinoma of penis: its incidence and management
Journal Title: MedPulse -International Medical Journal - Year 2015, Vol 2, Issue 3
Introduction: Cancer of penis is one of the first ceroplastic lesions described as disease entity and has become a significant world heaths problem because of its variable incidence throughout the world. Poverty, illiteracy and poor standards of general and sex hygiene are prevalent features in developing countries like India which contribute to relatively higher incidence than West. It is reported to contribute up to 10% of cancers in men in Mexico, China, Uganda, Shrilanks and India. Aims and objectives: To study incidence of carcinoma penis among the various carcinoma diagnosed in male and various treatment modalities used to manage the patients of carcinoma penis. Materials and method: All cases of various carcinomas in males were registered in the present study. All the cases of carcinoma of penis were thoroughly examined and detail history was recorded. All patients were subjected to routine hematological and biochemical investigations. A preoperative biopsy was taken for histopathological confirmation. All cases with inguinal adenopathy were treated with broad spectrum antibiotics and significant lymph nodes were subjected to Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology (FNAC) examination. The patients were staged according to Border’s classification. All the patients were subjected to various treatment modalities according to the stage of carcinoma and condition of patients. Results: The incidence of carcinoma penis in among the all cancers was 9.6%. Common age of occurrence of the diseases was 51-60 years. 89.29% of cases presented with either growth or ulcer on penis. Chronic balanoposthitis and phimosis accounted in 14 out of 28 cases (50%) of cases as predisposing factor. Twenty four (85.71%) patients had the origin of lesion in glans while only four (14.29 %) patients had that of in prepuce. All the patients studied in this series had squamous cell carcinoma of penis. In most of the cases (42.86%) the tumor cells were well differentiated. Majority of cases underwent surgery as a treatment of choice for primary tumor. Eleven (39.29%) patients underwent partial amputation while eight (28.57%) patients were subjected to total amputation. Conclusion: Carcinoma of penis is fairly common in males with incidence of 9.6%. Majority of cases were well to moderately differentiated carcinoma and were managed surgically. Partial amputation followed by total amputation and circumcision were the most common surgical procedure preformed to managed carcinoma penis.
Authors and Affiliations
Arun V Dawle, Harish Umbrajkar
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