“Cartesian Circle” and Discourse of Other: Phenomenological Interpretations of Descartes’ Philosophy
Journal Title: Мultiversum. Philosophical almanac - Year 2016, Vol 0, Issue 5
The article explores a framework of phenomenological treatment access to Descartes’ philosophy as one of main current Cartesian research projects. Especially, J.-L. Marion’s interpretative approach is considered, which reveals the basic trends of present-day phenomenological Cartesianism. The author brings to light two main difficulties, causing a phenomenological critique of Descartes, namely its Husserlian version: illegitimacy of passage between immanent and transcendent orders (“Cartesian circle” in a Husserlian understanding) and presence of mediate element in this passage (that goes against phenomenological claim to immediate giveness). The author determines some ways to overcome these hindrances in the frame of phenomenological philosophy which appraises a Cartesian legacy as fundamental constituent in a building of its own project. Introducing of the concept of Other into phenomenological discourse is considered to be one of such ways and is analyzed in terms of Marion’s treatment of Cartesian positions. Phenomenology of Other is regarded as a source of critical means that as opposed to Husserlian critique of Cartesian approach helps forward revealing of such authentic features of latter that remained hidden under the pressure of historico-philosophical stereotypes and are to be revealed from the perspective of phenomenological interpretations.
Authors and Affiliations
Anna Ilyina
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