Journal Title: Przegląd Pediatryczny - Year 2008, Vol 38, Issue 3
100 years ago, in 1908 in the “Przegląd Pediatryczny” (Paediatric Review) number one, there appeared an article : “About a new sign in lower limbs in meningitis in children” in which dr Józef Brudziński presented the now known meningeal sign. This sign was included all over the world on permanent basis into the canon of examining children with cerebrospinal meningitis. The author demonstrates organizational and scientific activity of dr Józef Brudziński in Polish paediatrics. He has also surveyed current paediatric and neurological literature in the aspect of the application of Brudziński’s sign in the studies of a population of children with purulent cerebrospinal meningitis. This sign is found in more than 70% of the examined children over 1 month of age, more frequently than the known Kernig’s sign. A questionnaire study was performed among young physicians in Poland, which demonstrated that the knowledge of this sign is almost common and nearly 50% saw Brudziński’s name in printed or electronically available paediatric case histories while in hospitals abroad. Nearly 50% of respondents consider dr Józef Brudziński to be the best known in the world Polish physician of the 20th century.
Authors and Affiliations
Janusz Wendorff
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