Treatment of hernia of the umbilical cord and congenital evisceration - 30-years experience

Journal Title: Przegląd Pediatryczny - Year 2007, Vol 37, Issue 1


Background: Hernia of the umbilical cord (omphalocele) and congenital evisceration (gastroschisis) are among severe, but fortu-nately rare developmental anomalies of the abdominal wall and alimentary tract, requiring diagnostics and treatment in specialistic centers of pediatric surgery, highly experienced in newborn surgery. Aim of the study: The aim of the paper is presentation of clinical experience in diagnostics and treatment of children with hernia of the umbilical cord and congenital evisceration, including progress in prenatal diagnostic examinations and change in the thera-peutic approach during the last 30 years. Material and methods: We analysed children with hernia of the umbilical cord or congenital evisceration treated in the Department of Pediatric Surgery and Traumatology of Medical University in Lublin from 1976 to 2005. Results: In the period of 30 years in the Department of Pediatric Surgery and Traumatology of Medical University in Lublin 120 children with hernia of the umbilical cord and 55 with congenital evisceration were treated. The majority of patients were newborns and infants. Different methods of surgical or conservative treatment were applied in our patients, which depended on many factors, such as the volume and nature of organs located outside the abdominal cavity, concurrent anomalies, week of gestation, diameter of the umbilical ring, infection of hernial sac and its contents. Conclusions: 1. During the analyzed period diagnostic methods and treatment of hernias of the umbilical cord and congenital eviscerations chan-ged, with tendency to executing prenatal examinations and single-stage operations. 2. Progress in the diagnostics and treatment re-duced mortality of children with omphalocele and gastroschisis - however mortality is still high, especially in the group of patients with congenital eviscerations. 3. Complicated cases of hernias of the umbilical cord and congenital eviscerations should be treated in centers specialised in newborn care, with modern pre- and post-operative therapy - including parenteral nutrition.

Authors and Affiliations

Jadwiga Szczepińska-Sobutka, Paweł Osemlak, Jerzy Osemlak


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Jadwiga Szczepińska-Sobutka, Paweł Osemlak, Jerzy Osemlak (2007). Treatment of hernia of the umbilical cord and congenital evisceration - 30-years experience. Przegląd Pediatryczny, 37(1), 10-15.