Changes in body posture of women and men over 60 years of age
Journal Title: Ortopedia Traumatologia Rehabilitacja - Year 2012, Vol 14, Issue 5
Background. With age, the body posture undergoes involutional changes. It is not possible to determine accurately the beginning of these changes. They begin between 40 and 50 years of age, and their slow progress increases after 60 years of age. The aim of this study was to assess the body posture of women and men over 60 years of age. Material and Method. Seventy people over 60 years old (35 women and 35 men) participated in the study. The control group consisted of 70 people (35 women and 35 men) between the age of 20 and 25. To evaluate the body posture non-invasive photogrammetric method based on the Moiré phenomenon has been used. The study was performed according to generally accepted principles. Results. Body posture of women and men over 60 years of age differs significantly in most of the parameters from body posture of women and men in the control group. These differences are confirmed when divided into groups based on gender. Comparing the parameters that characterize the posture of women and men over 60 years of age, a significant difference is only for parameter KLL, and body posture of men is characterized by the higher angle of lumbar lordosis (p = 0.0022). Conclusions. 1. There are significant changes in body posture of women and men over 60 years of age both in the frontal and sagittal plane. 2. Men over 60 years of age have a significantly greater angle of lumbar lordosis. 3. The results of these studies should be used for the construction of a plan of exercises for the elderly taking into account all the changes that occur with age.
Authors and Affiliations
Justyna Drzał-Grabiec , Justyna Rykała , Sławomir Snela
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