Characteristics of hazelnuts from three hazel cultivars grown in Poland
Journal Title: Rośliny Oleiste - Oilseed Crops - Year 2012, Vol 33, Issue 2
The aim of this study was to conduct physicochemical characterization and oxidative stability evaluation of hazelnuts from hazel cultivars grown in Poland. There were three cultivars considered: Kataloński, Webba Cenny and Cosford. The experimental nut samples were analysed for kernel and moisture content, average nut weight, macronutrients composition and total ash content. Research on hazelnuts fat was undertaken as well. Fatty acids profile, acid value (AV), peroxide value (PV) and oxidative stability using Rancimat method were determined. Results showed differences between studied varieties in protein, moisture and total ash content. Hazelnuts are abundant source of fat which constitutes over 60% of their kernel weight, but there were no differences in fat quantity among tested nuts. Moreover, the fatty acid composition of hazelnuts is beneficial because of low saturated fatty acids (SFA) content and about 90% of the total fat content is made up of unsaturated fatty acids, especially of oleic acid (MUFA).
Authors and Affiliations
Hanna Ciemniewska, Katarzyna Ratusz
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