Choose of optimal regimes of traffic light control in operating zone of pedestrian crossing


On the given stage of motorization level development and increase of traffic flow intensity, with increasing frequency apply to the implementation of intelligent automated systems of traffic control. The quality of their work depends foremost from study of the primary factors of road users, their behavior, including the factor of a person as movement operator, geometric parameters of communication routes, road conditions as movement environment. Such study is held by methods of field research, documentary research and mathematical modelling. Considering transport system, it is necessary to have in mind that we are concerned with the large array of stochastic indicators which, during its normal operation, comply with the normal law of distribution. If the process of traffic flows movement control, including their attachment to the roadway, parameters of which are clearly regulated by standards, is studied relatively in detail, then regularities in pedestrian flows are underexplored only due to the fact that their behavior quite frequently is regulated. However, enough amounts of mathematical methods of description the different stochastic systems have appeared, based on which it is possible to perform the simulation of road users’ behavior, in particular pedestrians. In this work it is undertaken experimental research on pedestrians’ behavior on signaled pedestrian crossings in Lviv city for different functional zones and in different time of day, and also it is investigated dynamic factors in traffic flow with the aim of determination the rational (by duration) regimes of traffic light control, during which the amount and duration of delays in traffic flows and the possibility of accidents commission is reduced, which are the consequence of road users behavior. The backgrounds of these negative phenomena are: fluctuation of traffic flow intensity, when pedestrian during longtime restrictive signals can start to move on restrictive signal of traffic light, what is unexpected for vehicle driver, especially in nighttime when blinding appears; observation only the demands of normative documents during designing the communication routes what is not always adequate for different functional areas of settlements; absence of distinct regulation of range of traffic light control parameters which would create its optimal regimes considering traffic and pedestrian flows behavior.

Authors and Affiliations

Yuriy Royko, Oleg Hrytsun, Romana Bura


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  • EP ID EP499279
  • DOI 10.23939/ujmems2018.01.144
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How To Cite

Yuriy Royko, Oleg Hrytsun, Romana Bura (2018). Choose of optimal regimes of traffic light control in operating zone of pedestrian crossing. Український журнал із машинобудування і матеріалознавства, 4(1), 144-159.