Chronic disease and adaptive behaviours of children at early school age
Journal Title: Medycyna Ogólna i Nauki o Zdrowiu - Year 2012, Vol 18, Issue 4
Introduction. A chronically ill child has to cope with many problems on a daily basis. Apart from typical somatic ailments associated with the given disease entity, they are forced to overcome hardships of an emotional and social nature. A long-lasting struggle with the illness has impact on the psycho-social functioning of the individual, which is confirmed by research published in journals dedicated to this subject matter. Doubts that appear concern the scope of the phenomenon, and the nature of irregularities relating to each dimension of adaptation.Objective. The objective of the presented study was to determine the level of adaptive behaviours of children with chronic diseases.Material and methods. Two instruments were used to evaluate the signs and level of social adaptation of children: Pupil Behaviour Sheet by B. Markowska and the CBI Questionnaire by E. Schaefer and M. Aaronson. The study covered 60 schoolchildren from grades 1 – 3 attending elementary schools in the Lublin Region. The study group comprised of chronically ill schoolchildren, whereas the control group – of their healthy peers.Results. Results of the studies show that stronger negative adaptive behaviours are observed in children suffering from chronic diseases. They display a higher level of anti-social behaviours and slow-down. They are characterised by increased hyperactivity, distractedness, and social alienation. They have problems with verbalisation and kindness. They are characterised by a lower level of positive attitude towards work and positive behaviour, compared to their peers.Conclusions. Chronic disease may contribute to the appearance of negative adaptive behaviours in children which hinder them from achieving mental well-being. These behaviours usually result from the inability to demonstrate successes during playtime, in learning, or in other fields of social functioning. They often lead to miscomprehension, lack of social acceptance and support from family and school.Key words: chronic disease, children, social adjustment, behavioural symptoms, adjustment disorders
Authors and Affiliations
Marzena Kowaluk
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