Chronione gatunki minogów i ryb Parku Narodowego Gór Stołowych
Journal Title: Przyroda Sudetów - Year 2018, Vol 21, Issue
Protected lamprey and fish species in the Stołowe Mountains National Park Protected lamprey and fish species of the PNGS include brook lamprey Lampetra planeri, and bull-heads Cottus gobio and C. poecilopus. All of them have high requirements regarding water quality. Another component of theautochthonous fauna of the Park’s streams is brown trout Salmo trutta fario, which dominates in terms of abundance of biomass. Ichthyological studies in the PNGS within the last twenty years revealed four streams inhabited by at least one of the protected species: Toczek (C. poecilopus, L. planeri), Dańczówka (C. gobio), Cicha (C. poecilopus) and an unnamed tributary to the stream Kamienny Potok (L. planeri). The condition of their populations can be regarded as satisfactory using one of the criteria of the state monitoring of species and habitats i.e. relative density of species. Their stable occurrence is also testified to by the repeatability of observations in the same localities within the last decades.
Authors and Affiliations
Andrzej Witkowski, Grzegorz Skórzewski, Jacek Stefaniak, Jan Kotusz
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