Church songs in the 21st century. An introduction to their evaluation from artistic, liturgical and hymnological perspectives
Journal Title: Notes Muzyczny - Year 2017, Vol 2, Issue 8
Since new religious songs were written in 1960s, the field of hymnology has not succeeded in creating an appropriate way how they should be classified and studied as they are usually analysed in reference to a classical chorale. Apart from that, their aesthetical, sociological and stylistic aims are not given enough consideration. The task of the “New Hymnology” as a cross-sectional discipline would be considering both the contexts of the origins and reception of these songs and their functions, and first of all, their aesthetics and musical language most frequently emerging from popular music, all that within relevant specialist disciplines. At the same time, a decisive factor would be avoiding standard definitions of any church song style, a key issue while evaluating songs is also considering singing parishioners and their point of view. An important thing would also be obtaining an expert opinion on numerous style varieties of popular music, which are reflected in new church songs. Another task of hymnology is recognising current processes occurring in church songs, and as the “know-how” knowledge, it should be helpful in inspiring liturgical practice. This way it might become a sort of a theory of church singing practice.<br/><br/>
Authors and Affiliations
Stephan A. Reinke, Magdalena Pilch, Marek Pilch
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