Cielesność dywergencyjna – komponent integralnej edukacji wychylonej w przyszłość

Journal Title: Problemy Wczesnej Edukacji - Year 2015, Vol 31, Issue 4


A child is endowed with a natural inclination to manifest its feelings, to control things and ideas in the form of behaviour which could be an expression of various fine arts. Each element of art (music, dancing as a system of signs may change its code, as the same symbols may be conveyed in another semiotic code, for example: a system of sounds in kinetic-spatial exemplification. Listening to music (acoustic signs) is in this play transcoded into kinetic-bodily signs. Experiencing oneself by means of movement, creating an individual story about oneself through gesture activates the subconscious, facilitates visualizing past experiences, feeling them again, and analyzing. The present study focuses on the connection between the classes devoted to kinesthetic visualization and the motoric behaviour presented by a child displaying the level of its creativity. The text presents individualizing experimental tests carried out in a group of five-year-old children.

Authors and Affiliations

Katarzyna Krasoń


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  • EP ID EP77584
  • DOI 10.5604/01.3001.0008.5644
  • Views 59
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How To Cite

Katarzyna Krasoń (2015). Cielesność dywergencyjna – komponent integralnej edukacji wychylonej w przyszłość. Problemy Wczesnej Edukacji, 31(4), 7-22.