Journal Title: Zeszyty Naukowe Akademii Sztuki Wojennej - Year 2014, Vol 2014, Issue 96
Steady growth in air traffic in the European sky requires a continuous increase in the ATM system’s performance by introducing structural changes and the implementation of new technologies and operational procedures. Since 2000, action has been taken by the European Commission, in cooperation with other organisations of civil aviation and the military in the SES and SESAR. The implementation of both programmes to allow optimisation of the European air traffic management system has taken into account the requirements of all airspace users, regardless of State borders. So profound reform of the organisation of air traffic in Europe poses a number of challenges before participating in its institutions and organisations, including the national civil and military aviation authorities and many players in the air transport industry. The SES legislation applies to all flights of aircraft (including military) carried out in accordance with the principles of the general air traffic (GAT). In the future, access to a crowded European airspace will be completely dependent on compliance with these provisions and standards. Use of common rules, standards, practices and procedures by military aviation will enable the secure sharing of the same airspace on equal terms with civil aviation. Maintaining the required level of combat capabilities in the new operational environment will also be conditional upon implementation of new organisational and technical solutions based on advanced technologies for CNS/ATM and close civil-military cooperation and coordination in the management of air traffic, both national, regional (within the FAB) and pan-European. The further development of this cooperation has now stimulated the SES legislation.
Authors and Affiliations
Telesfor Markiewicz
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