Clinical and epidemiological analysis among patients with laryngeal cancer treated in the Department of Otolaryngology at the Voivodal Specialist Hospital in Rzeszów between 1996 and 2005

Journal Title: Polski Przegląd Otorynolaryngologiczny - Year 2013, Vol 2, Issue 2


Cancer of the laryn x is an importa nt epidemio logical and oncolog ical problem. According to the National Cancer Registry, 2075 new cases of laryngeal canc er were recorded in 2008 in Poland, which accounts for ap proximately 50% of malignant head and neck tumours. The moda lity of treatment and prognosis depend on the prima ry location of the tumour and the advancement of the symptoms. The main objective of the study was to evaluate the treatment results among patients with laryngeal cancer who were treated surgically and in combination with radiotherapy in the Departments of Otolaryngology and Radiotherapy at the Voivodal Specialist Hospital in Rzeszów between 1996 and 2005. The detailed objectives are 1) impact assessment of selected epidemiological factors on clinical outcomes and prognosis; 2) the risk of locoregional recurrence, depending on the chosen clinical and histopathological features. The clinical material consists of 359 patients diagnosed with laryngeal cancer and treated at the Otolaryngology Department of Voivodal Specialist Hospital in Rzeszow,Poland between 1996 and 2005. Conclusions: The results of surgical treatment of patients with laryngeal cancer treated between 1996 and 2005 are comparable with the data which are published at present: 5-year survival of 58.5% and 10-year survival of 38.5% of in the examined group of patients.

Authors and Affiliations

Wojciech Domka, Krzysztof Szuber, Magdalena Blaszke-Kasperska, Maciej Modrzejewski


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Wojciech Domka, Krzysztof Szuber, Magdalena Blaszke-Kasperska, Maciej Modrzejewski (2013). Clinical and epidemiological analysis among patients with laryngeal cancer treated in the Department of Otolaryngology at the Voivodal Specialist Hospital in Rzeszów between 1996 and 2005. Polski Przegląd Otorynolaryngologiczny, 2(2), -.