Co-occurence of Auto-Immune Thyroid Disease and Acromegaly
Journal Title: Journal of Neurological Sciences-Turkish - Year 2006, Vol 23, Issue 4
Objective: The aim of the paper is to discuss the co-occurence of thyroid disease especially the autoimmune ones and acromegaly in conjunct of two acromegalic patient who developed autoimmune thyroid disease. Materials and Methods: Case report. Results: Although thyroid disease is frequently develop in acromegalic patients, the co-occurence of autoimmune thyroid disease is rare. Because of the frequent co-occurence, an associated thyroid disease should be on mind in the management of a complaint of an acromegalic patient. Although it is a rare co-occurence of an autoimmune thyroid disease, this possibility also should be considered in management of acromegalic patients.
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