Cognitive and Onomasiological Models of the Names of Pharmaceutical Forms in Comparative Perspective

Journal Title: Science and Education a New Dimension - Year 2017, Vol 0, Issue 138


The article examines the cognitive and onomasiological peculiarities of the Ukrainian names of medicinal forms of medical preparations from the standpoint of diachronic onomasiology. The etymology of the names of dosage forms was studied, their classifica- tion by the criterion of "language-source" was undertaken. Within a cognitive approach, the division of the following nominative units into eight groups in terms of "onomasiological basis" was proposed.

Authors and Affiliations

T. Karlova, Y. Lukash


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How To Cite

T. Karlova, Y. Lukash (2017). Cognitive and Onomasiological Models of the Names of Pharmaceutical Forms in Comparative Perspective. Science and Education a New Dimension, 0(138), 29-32.