Color concepts in nominative models of English compounds: linguocognitive analysis.
Journal Title: Науковий вісник Дрогобицького державного педагогічного університету імені Івана Франка. Серія: Філологічні науки (мовознавство) - Year 2018, Vol 10, Issue
The article offers the procedure of linguocognitive studies of color-nominating compounds in English. The procedure comprises two stages having their own actions. The first stage provides the analyses of English compounds with particular basic color in its nominative structure and includes the following actions: 1) extraction of color-nominating English compounds from Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary; 2) division of English compounds into two groups – one having color as ontological characteristic of something, the other having characteristic of symbolic meaning of color itself; 3) compounds having color as ontological characteristic of something are apportioned among conceptual domains; 4) differentiation of formation of direct and figurative meanings of compounds by metonymy and the steps of conceptual derivation; 5) analysis of formation of figurative meaning of compounds by metaphor; 6) inventory of color-nominating compounds with symbolic meaning of their color-component, naming the ontological basis for their metaphorical meaning; 7) qualitative and quantitative study of actual illustrative material. The second stage envisages tabulated analysis of compounds with basic color terms in English, namely “black”, “white”, “red”, “green”, “yellow”, “blue”, “brown”, “grey”, “purple”, “pink”, “orange”. This stage aims to determine the system of characteristics of color concepts in English. It comprises: 1) determination of basic color terms representation in English compounds; 2) identification of prior domains; 3) estimation of the quantity of compounds formed on the first, second, third and fourth steps of derivation process with the participation of propositional schemas; 4) determination of metaphor potential of ontological domains; 5) enucleating the role of different colors in the formation of symbolic meaning represented in English compounds. In particular, the research describes linguocognitive analysis of English compounds having “black” in its nominative structure. The research also presents the results of linguocognitive analysis of English compounds having “black”, “white”, “red”, “green”, “yellow”, “blue”, “brown”, “grey”, “purple”, “pink”, “orange” in its nominative structure.
Authors and Affiliations
К. О. Філатова
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