Journal Title: Annuals of the Administration and Law - Year 2016, Vol 2, Issue 0


This commentary raises the issue of entry into the juridical of legal administrative decision. The authors do not agree with proposed by the Naczelny Sąd Administracyjny (Supreme Administrative Court of the Republic of Poland) in vote judgment view, supposedly the entrance to the legal system of an administrative decision is conditional upon the fact of exerting its legal effects and at the same time the lack of effective delivery remained in this regard, irrelevant. The authors express their view supported by arguments rooted in both doctrine of administrative proceedings, and the case law of administrative courts that under the relevant legislation KPA efficient delivery is necessary for its entry into legal circulation and this introduces the effective delivery of the decision to the legal system.<br/><br/>

Authors and Affiliations

Kamil Majewski, Agnieszka Kościesza


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How To Cite

Kamil Majewski, Agnieszka Kościesza (2016). COMMENTARY JUDGMENT OF NACZELNY SĄD ADMINISTRACYJNY OF 30 SEPTEMBER 2010, ACT SIGN.: II OSK 1417/09. Annuals of the Administration and Law, 2(0), 439-448.