Communication in Employees’ Motivation and Remuneration System
Journal Title: Edukacja Ekonomistów i Menedżerów - Year 2011, Vol 22, Issue 4
This article refers to the significance of the communication process for the HR management system on the example of motivating and remunerating employees . Communication combines all the HR actions, complementing and supporting the implementation of particular tasks carried out within the adopted HR policy . In the article, the author emphasises the motivating function of all the remuneration components and the way in which the employees define remuneration . The author presents the results of her own survey carried out among the students of several Warsaw universities, which help her to answer the question of what remuneration is for young people, how they perceive it and what considerations they include in the remuneration received from a company .
Authors and Affiliations
Monika Podkowińska
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