Comparative Analysis of Phytoconstituents and Caffeine Levels Of Acacia Nilotica (Subalata) And Coffea Arabica Varieties

Journal Title: IOSR Journal of Pharmacy and Biological Sciences (IOSR-JPBS) - Year 2016, Vol 11, Issue 2


The indiscriminate use of whole plant or their parts to treat various diseases and to make coffee like concoction by local communities in Kenya could pose a serious threat to health. This is because one cannot assure that these plants are medicinally important and possess caffeine. Although some plants have been reported to contain valuable phytochemicals which are of medicinal value, no work has been done to compare phytochemicals and caffeine content in Acacia nilotica ssp. Subalata and coffee Arabica. The current study deals with the phytochemical analysis and caffeine content of Acacia nilotica bark extract in comparison with coffee Arabica varieties. The phytochemical study was done using standard procedure while caffeine content was determined using High Liquid Performance Chromatography (HPLC). Phytochemical screening revealed presents of phenols, carbohydrates, saponins, alkaloids, flavonoids, steroids and triterpernoids among the three plants. Tannins were found to be absent in Acacia nilotica ssp. Subalata extract. Quantification of phytochemicals in the two coffee varieties in comparison with Acacia nilotica ssp. Subalata was doneand all the values were significant (p≤0.5). The results from High Liquid Performance Chromatography showed thatRuiru 11 had the highest concentration of 161.75 ± 39.16 followed by Batian 27 with 127.39± 14.83 and Acacia nilotica ssp. Subalata with 68.91± 17.39.

Authors and Affiliations

Kisoi G1 . , Kinyua J, Wamunyokoli F1


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  • EP ID EP383426
  • DOI 10.9790/3008-11212327
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How To Cite

Kisoi G1 . , Kinyua J, Wamunyokoli F1 (2016). Comparative Analysis of Phytoconstituents and Caffeine Levels Of Acacia Nilotica (Subalata) And Coffea Arabica Varieties. IOSR Journal of Pharmacy and Biological Sciences (IOSR-JPBS), 11(2), 23-27.