Complex standardization of silica–multiherbal nanodispersed Phytosil preparations
Journal Title: Хімія, фізика та технологія поверхні - Year 2017, Vol 8, Issue 1
Number of dietary supplements under the trade name of Phytosils based on fumed silica as enterosorbent and highly dispersed native medicinal plants in various combinations and ratio aimed on specific therapeutic action were developed by the authors. Essential bioactive components of Phytosils are plantpolyphenols known for their antiallergenic, antiatherogenic, antiinflammatory, antimicrobial, antioxidant, antithrombotic, cardioprotective and vasodilatory effects which are attributed mainly to their antioxidant activity. Therefore, the value of antioxidant activity in relation to total phenolic content could be used for the standardization of these new herbal dietary supplements. Asimple, rapidand sensitive spectrophotometric method for the determination of total antioxidant activity of herbal products has been developed and tested on seven Phytosil multiherbal dietary supplements. The method was based on the reducing of yellow (λ′max=268 nm, λmax′′=298 nm)copper(II) tetrabenzo-[b,f,j,n][1,5,9,13]-tetraazacyclohexadecine complex (CuTAAB2+) by natural antioxidants with formation of blue (λmax = 660–712 nm) copper(I) complex CuTAAB+. It has been shown that total antioxidant activity of Phytosil dietary supplements strongly correlates to their total phenolic content (all r2 values ≥ 0.960) confirming that phenoliccompounds are dominant antioxidant components in these preparations. It can be concluded that antioxidant activity values determined by the proposed CuTAAB2+ reducingmethod and total phenolic content determined at optimized wavelength can be used for good quality assurance and standardization of Phytosil dietary supplements and othermultiherbal preparations.
Authors and Affiliations
N. O. Lipkovska, V. M. Barvinchenko, M. T. Kartel
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