Conceptual-categorical apparatus of the medical education in the USA through the prism of patient-centeredness


The article analyzes the basic concepts of the medical education in the USA – “education”, “personality”, “patient-centeredness”, “iatrogeny” – in the context of domestic and foreign pedagogical science. The necessity to define the content of the terms constituting the conceptual apparatus of modern medical education as the basis for effective achievement of the goals aimed at improving the quality of education, realization of the main directions of its reform at all levels of the system of continuous education is substantiated. A brief analysis of existing research dealing with conceptual-categorical apparatus of pedagogy has been conducted. Summarizing the ideas of Ukrainian and foreign scientists, it has been concluded that the term “education” is used in three ways: as a system of obtaining experience and qualifications, as a level of education (educational qualification), as the content and process of education and upbringing resulting in general and professional development of the student’s personality. It has been proved that within the limits of American research definitions the concept of “education” is as follows: the action or set of actions aimed by a person or a group of people at gaining knowledge; the process of gaining knowledge by a person; the branch of human activity, dealing with the study of methods of training; a set of knowledge, skills, abilities gained during the learning process; information about a specific subject obtained during the learning process; official activity on public education in specifically created institutions; the stage of development of a person associated with obtaining a qualification. It has been determined that patient-centeredness is defined as a set of measures and active actions aimed at achieving the goals important for the patient, their psychological and physical comfort, as well as monitoring the implementation of these actions. Personality is a collection of individual behavioral, cognitive and emotional characteristics that develop in a person / individual depending on his biological and social environment. Iatrogeny is defined as deterioration in the physical or emotional state of a person unintentionally provoked by a health care worker. It has been revealed that the peculiarity of American pedagogical science in determining the basic concepts is man-centeredness, since most scientists give definitions of the terms mentioned in the study from the standpoint of human needs.

Authors and Affiliations

Т. І. Горпініч


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How To Cite

Т. І. Горпініч (2018). Conceptual-categorical apparatus of the medical education in the USA through the prism of patient-centeredness. Педагогіка формування творчої особистості у вищій і загальноосвітній школах, 61(2), 39-43.