Theoretical preconditions for the emergence of autonomous learning


The article reveals theoretical preconditions for the emergence of autonomous learning in foreign psychological and pedagogical theory and practice. The concept of autonomous learning is considered in its historical development in pedagogy and teaching methods of foreign languages. The author highlights the different views of foreign researchers on the understanding of the essence of autonomous learning in psychological and pedagogical research. The paper traces the sources of the concept of autonomous learning in the most famous psychological trends and approaches of the twentieth century. The author gives a comparative description of the main fundamentals of autonomous learning and follows how the interpretation of the main categories of autonomous learning is changed in the historical retrospective. It is revealed that the concept of autonomous learning is a general pedagogical category, the emergence of which was caused by a number of social, political and economic factors. The author presents and analyzes the factors that influence on the successful implementation of autonomous learning and have become an incentive to increasing the popularity of the foreign language, and the concept of autonomous learning throughout the world. The article attempts to reveal the theoretical preconditions for the emergence of autonomous learning, the main stages of development, the most famous researchers of this concept and to substantiate the relevance of autonomous learning in conditions of modern higher school in Ukraine. Based on the theoretical prerequisites of autonomous learning and the main ideas of the concept, the author concludes that any person is at some stage of autonomy, and the task of educators is to help the student to check the current level of prevailing academic autonomy and plan further opportunities on the formation of strategies and levels of autonomous learning. The study of the problem of autonomous learning remains current, in connection with the increased need for self-education for the successful functioning of the individual in the society of a globalizing environment and the development of innovative technologies.

Authors and Affiliations

Н. Є. Дмітренко


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How To Cite

Н. Є. Дмітренко (2018). Theoretical preconditions for the emergence of autonomous learning. Педагогіка формування творчої особистості у вищій і загальноосвітній школах, 60(1), 76-80.