The Role of the Ethnocultural Component in the Process of Forming the Valuable Position of the Child to 3ature
Journal Title: Педагогіка формування творчої особистості у вищій і загальноосвітній школах - Year 2018, Vol 58, Issue
The article analyzes the role of ethnocultural component in the process of formation of the valuable position of the child to nature. It is emphasized that in the process of formation of the valuable position of the child to nature it is important to find pedagogical models of ethnic education, which emphasize the possibility of ethnocultural variability in two aspects: in the process of formation of the person taking into account its specific features and national character (mentality); in the process of socialization of universal values as the most complete reflection of the national. The theoretical analysis of the basis of the ethnosocial existence of a man in a certain geocultural space, which we are conducting, characterizes, first of all, the conditions for the development of his moral education, involvement in dialogue with nature, promotes the development of a system of education with national peculiarities. Environmental education should have specificity, depending on which members of specific peoples are attracted to it.The national ecological culture has been formed for centuries, systematized and fixed in a kind of «ecological code»: in customs, traditions, rituals, stereotypes of behavior, in the rules and laws of interaction with nature, which must be used both in scientific research and in the educational process. On the basis of knowledge of the peculiarities of any people, this process can be optimized, since it is possible to study the national specificity, promote the development of educational potential of members of specific peoples; take into account the historical experience of different peoples; features of adaptation of people of different nationalities to educational activities, etc.
Authors and Affiliations
О. О. БАРЛІТ, А. Ю. Барліт
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