Concurrent Demodex Spp. and Psoroptes Spp. Mite Infestation in an Indigenous Cattle: A Case Report

Journal Title: Journal of Veterinary Advances - Year 2014, Vol 4, Issue 8


The present case report describes the concurrent infection of Demodex spp. and Psoroptes spp. mites in an indigenous cattle and its successful therapeutic management using parenteral ivermectin. A cattle with hyperkeratinized skin lesions on head, neck shoulder and rump regions was presented for treatment in a clinical camp and skin scrapings revealed the presence of concurrent infection of both the above mites. Cattle was subsequently treated with ivermectin at a dosage of 0.3 mg/kg body weight by subcutaneous route at weekly intervals for a period of three weeks. Significant recovery was noticed after every treatment and no any adult or developmental stages were observed after 21 days of treatment. The contributing factors, the pathogenesis along with possible treatment regimens are described herein.

Authors and Affiliations

A. K. Jaiswal , V. Sudan , R. Parasher , A. Srivastava , D. Shanker


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How To Cite

A. K. Jaiswal, V. Sudan, R. Parasher, A. Srivastava, D. Shanker (2014). Concurrent Demodex Spp. and Psoroptes Spp. Mite Infestation in an Indigenous Cattle: A Case Report. Journal of Veterinary Advances, 4(8), 664-667.