Conducive and obstructive factors of cooperation among organizations


Today there is a competition not only between companies at individual level, but alsobetween economic groups. We can also see, that there is a competition and rivalrybetween regions, which is the result of necessity to create good condition for livingand functioning to people and enterprises. That is the effect of increasing mobility ofcapital and people. Nevertheless the success in competition it requires cooperationbetween three economic sectors (public administration, enterprises, non-governmentorganization). The important element of this system is cooperation betweenenterprises, which is difficult due to contrary goals of companies in competitiveconditions. Shaping cirnumstansas that ae conducive to cooperation, requires theinvolvement of both public administration and civil society institutions. Therefore,it is very important to identify the factors that foster and those that hinder cooperationbetween organizations.|||

Authors and Affiliations

Hubert Pachciarek


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How To Cite

Hubert Pachciarek (2011). Conducive and obstructive factors of cooperation among organizations. Journal of Management and Business Administration. Central Europe, 19(1), 30-42.