Connections Between Strength-Speed Task with Different Structure of Movement. Part I
Journal Title: Antropomotoryka. Journal of Kinesiology and Exercise Sciences - Year 2007, Vol 17, Issue 39
Introduction. Vertical jumps and standing broad jumps as well as medicine ball throws or puts belong to the motor tasks which are very often included in the sets of motor ability tests. Jumps are particularly preferred, e.g. in Polish national publications, the broad jump is included in test sets 86 times, and vertical jump 47. Results of the last, along with the basic somatic traits, forms so called Sargent index, which enables an indirect estimation (through the MPA) of the maximum anaerobic power, and – according to some authors – also the general physical ability.Denisiuk in his studies performed in early sixties (of the last century) had regarded the forward overhead medicine 2 kg ball throw as the most representative among 17 considered tasks. The backward overhead medicine ball throw, which is a part of physical ability test by Chromiński, also is characterized by high reliability and consistency.The purpose of the work. The motor tasks under consideration differ considerably in the movement structure, though they all are determined by the same motor abilities, namely power and speed. In literature there are not many reports concerning the relationships between these tasks and somatic traits in dependence on the body position when task is performed and the weight of used equipment. Moreover it is important to recognize the diagnostic value of indices after transformation of component traits in order to ensure the equivalent participation of them in the index assessment.Material and method. The basic body build traits and results of the motor tests of 98 students from University of Physical Education in Wrocław (Poland). Measurements were taken in the spring 2007. The height-mass indices were then computed on the basis of the body height and mass. The strength-speed tasks included: vertical and standing broad jumps, medicine 3 kg, 2 kg and 1 kg ball throws forward and backwards with both hands over the head, put a ball from in front of chest, sideways puts ball (only 2 kg and 3 kg balls) and one hand kg ball throw. All the throws were performed in standing position. From the results of vertical jump and somatic data the Sargent index was calculated from the formula: (result of jump in cm × body mass in kg) : body height in cm. In definition of another index the vertical jump was substituted by the broad jump. Additionally the indices with eliminating the body mass were computed. The next two indices were calculated by multiplication of the vertical jump result by the body mass and the broad jump result by the body mass. Following the ideas of Ważny these indices were call explosive strength indices.Results. In statistical analysis of the obtained data the basic measures and correlations were computed. The correlation coefficients presented in tables illustrate the connections between jumps and throws. In majority of cases, except the jumps, the closest bond made the throws of the heaviest ball (3 kg). The profitable position by throw the ball which leads to the highest correlation between all the indices and their mutations occurred to be the throw from in front of chest (coefficients from r = .63 to r = .81).Conclusions. In relations between jumps and throws the value of correlation is influenced by the both positions from which a throw is performed and the weight of used equipment. Therefore the proper tasks have to be chosen depending on the aim of research. Since the correction of the participation of component traits in an index formed from the jump length enables more precise estimation of phenomena, such conduct may be applied in practice, for example in evaluation of the maximum anaerobic work.
Authors and Affiliations
Adam Haleczko , Leszek Korzewa , Ewa Misiołek , Urszula Włodarczyk
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