Contemporary Version of Bernstein’s System of Movements Construction
Journal Title: Antropomotoryka. Journal of Kinesiology and Exercise Sciences - Year 2008, Vol 17, Issue 42
The author has called attention to the fact that, according to the incompleteness theorem formulated by K. Gödel, anthropokinesiologists come across some unsolvable incoherencies. When significant inconsistencies become more numerous, it becomes necessary to introduce new premises into the theory. In anthropokinesiology such premises may be: the hypothesis that sensory code enables efficacious information processing, including formation of theories, as well as the rule of scales conformity as by J. Morawski. In anthropokinesiology very important is also the fact that psychology does not provide the science with clear an unambiguous definitions of notions important for movement control in humans. So, it is necessary to formulate appropriate descriptions. Taking as a basis the Bernstein’s theory, supplemented with the premises already mentioned, the information processing has been analysed from the moment of the occurrence of stimuli in an environment. The author followed through the following processes: stimuli reception, sensory inputs production, selective amplification of information carried by sensory inputs (psychological factors), perceptual chunking, making up for missing information (if necessary), using of instinct, intelligence and intuition at various levels of movements construction system, creation of a response, using efferent copies at particular levels, selective amplification of response and eventually execution of a movement response. Author has presented a new diagram, which among others enables explaining the deterioration of movement quality as a result of “switching off” the automatisms from B-level (muscle synergies, “feeling in hand”) and from C-level (space orientation, “measure by eye”). In summary it was emphasised that the proposed model enables compatible joining the ecological theory by J.J. Gibson, equilibrium point hypothesis by A.G. Feldman, scheme theory by R.A. Schmidt, probabilistic prognosis by I.M. Feigenberg or underdetermination theory by E.-J. Hossner and S. Künzell.
Authors and Affiliations
Wacław Petryński
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