Long-term change tendencies in correlations between mental, physical, and motor development in children aged 4–14 years from different agglomerations in the Małopolska province
Journal Title: Antropomotoryka. Journal of Kinesiology and Exercise Sciences - Year 2013, Vol 23, Issue 64
Aim of the study. The aim of this study was to assess the scope and direction of long-term change tendencies in indicators of mental, physical, and motor development, and to assess the correlation between the level of non-verbal intelligence and indicators of physical development and between the level of non-verbal intelligence and selected components of physical fitness (measured according to under the health-related fitness convention) among children aged 4–14 years from different social backgrounds in the Małopolska Province.Material. Observed was the level of motor, somatic, and mental development among girls and boys aged 4–14 years between 2005 and 2010 in three different-sized agglomerations in the Małopolska Province: the city of Kraków, the village of Barcice, and the town of Sławków. A total of 1429 children were assessed, including 202 girls and 217 boys from Barcice, 221 girls and 199 boys from Sławków, and 274 girls and 316 boys from Kraków.Methodology. In accordance with the aim of the study, selected indicators of somatic, motor, and mental development among children were compared to the corresponding data for 1975–1980 from the same agglomerations.Results. The level of physical, motor, and mental development among children from the Małopolska Province in the 21st century indicates that during the period of political transformations, beneficial changes in the children’s biological and mental development conditions occurred only in villages and towns. In the first decade of the 21st century, the place of residence had a lesser effect on physical, mental, and motor development than in the last decades of the 20th century. At the turn of the 21th century, beneficial changes occurred in the adjustment of non-verbal intelligence development to the rate of biological development in children. The Flynn effect n the Małopolska Province seemed to occur only in towns and only to a limited extent. The scope and direction of long-term change tendencies in the mental conditions of the motor potential among children from the Małopolska Province indicate a need to improve the efficiency of realizing educational aims, i.e, the conscious shaping of the need to participate in various forms of physical culture and improve one’s motor abilities that constitute components of Health-Related Fitness (H-RF).
Authors and Affiliations
Edward Mleczko, Joanna Gradek, Renata Nieroda, Janusz Zdebski
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