Contextual Conditions as Factors Depreciating the Meaning of the Employability Concept among Physicians

Journal Title: Zarządzanie Zasobami Ludzkimi - Year 2015, Vol 107, Issue 6


The dynamism of the environment in which organizations operate today, including the ones in the healthcare sector, should encourage them to seek opportunities to acquire and maintain a competitive advantage by using internal resources, including human resources. One of the concepts of management suited to this assumption is employability relative to both the organization and the individual. In the article the author defines the concepts of employability and refers it to one of the key groups of medical staff—physicians. Additionally, the paper includes an identification of barriers that prevent the concept from being implemented on not only an individual level, but on an organizational one.

Authors and Affiliations

Beata Irma Buchelt


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How To Cite

Beata Irma Buchelt (2015). Contextual Conditions as Factors Depreciating the Meaning of the Employability Concept among Physicians. Zarządzanie Zasobami Ludzkimi, 107(6), 83-95.