Wykorzystanie metod doboru personelu oraz przekonania profesjonalistów na temat ich trafności prognostycznej [Use of Personnel Selection Methods and the Views of Professionals Regarding Their Predictive Validity]
Journal Title: Zarządzanie Zasobami Ludzkimi - Year 2014, Vol 96, Issue 1
[The aim of the study presented in the article was the analysis of the application of personnel selection methods in Polish companies as well as the convictions of professionals regarding the predictive accuracy of individual methods. A total of 182 participants, who are responsible for recruitment and personnel selection (e.g., HR specialists and managers), were involved. Results indicate that the most popular and often only method of selection is the typical interview (a qualification interview conducted in a traditional manner). Other applied methods included knowledge tests, assessment center, and references. Those examined rate job samples, specialized knowledge tests, and typical interviews the most highly. A comparison of the assessment of the predictive value of various methods presented in topical literature demonstrates that those examined (including HR professionals) often overrate ineffective methods and do not appreciate those that are highly accurate, but difficult to apply.]
Authors and Affiliations
Teresa Chirkowska-Smolak, Jarosław Grobelny
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