Continuing education As sharing the responsibility

Journal Title: Roczniki Psychologiczne - Year 2015, Vol 18, Issue 2


Commenting on an article devoted to the continuing education of assessment psychologists from the point of view of transport psychology, the author proposes that various forms of postgraduate education should be evaluated in terms of the assumed and verifiable effects of education, and that, with their assumptions based on the effects-based approach (EBA), they should develop a habit of combining practice with scientific knowledge. Since many people lack basic psychological skills, the best solution in their case seems to be traineeship and work under supervision. The system of education should take into account the fact that the teaching of rules, skills, and procedures amounts to taking over part of the responsibility for the trainees' actions in their future assessment practice.

Authors and Affiliations

Adam Tarnowski


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How To Cite

Adam Tarnowski (2015). Continuing education As sharing the responsibility. Roczniki Psychologiczne, 18(2), 225-231.