Cooperation with research institutions as an element of exploration of innovation – case study of Samsung Poland R&D Center
Journal Title: Zarządzanie i Finanse - Year 2013, Vol 11, Issue 1
This article aims to present firm’s exploration of new ideas and technologies by cooperation with research institutions. Nowadays, fast growth of com-petitiveness on global market in a field of advanced technologies is easily ob-served. In order to have competitive advantage over competitors, companies were forced to increase expenses on development of new technologies. Therefore, number of R&D Centers was created throughout the world. However, even in a case when much money and resources are dedicated on R&D, companies may suffer a lost, especially when changes in technological trends appear on the market. The article describes examples of firms which had to face the phe-nomenon of creative destruction. However, the main objective of this paper is to show the effective manner to cope with consequences of such phenomenon, especially Samsung’s approach. This study is based on qualitative research method. In order to collect empirical data, number of interview was preceded with Samsung Poland R&D Center employees in Warsaw.
Authors and Affiliations
Łukasz Jarocki, Radosław Bartosiak
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