Corneal Blindness- A clinical study
Journal Title: Indian Journal of Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology - Year 2017, Vol 3, Issue 2
Aim: To screen for people with corneal blindness, to identify the etiology and to assess the risk factors for corneal blindness in and around Karaikal. Materials and Methods: About 50 patients with corneal opacity and with the visual acuity less than 6/60 clinically aging between five years to eighty years were enrolled for this study. A detailed history regarding the etiology, nature of injury, pervious corneal disease or ocular surgery was recorded for each patient. A thorough ophthalmic examination was performed which includes external eye examination, slit lamp biomicroscopic examination for the size, site and depth of corneal opacity, presence of vascularization or ghost vessels and the anterior segment pathology. Visual acuity was recorded with illuminated Snellen’s chart and intra ocular pressure measured with applanation tonometer. Results: Mean age of this study group was forty two years; Twenty seven patients were male and remaining twenty three were female; Seventeen people had both eye involvement, nineteen only right eye and fourteen had only left eye involvement. Study population includes farmers, laborers, students, housewives, mason and others. Twenty one patients were found to have infective etiology; fourteen had injury, rest had postsurgical, nutritional and degenerative causes. Conclusion: Infective keratitis is the leading cause of corneal blindness in our study, trauma being next important. Occupation is an important risk factor. Health awareness and safety measures can minimize the incidence of corneal blindness.
Authors and Affiliations
K. Kalaivani
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