Creativity of the Ukrainian ''Prague School'' Composers in the Context of Musical Theoretical Training of Future Art Disciplines Teachers


Having assimilated the experience of the Prague school, the representatives of younger Ukrainian composers’ generation elaborated the modernistic tendencies of European Slavonic esthetics. The appearance of neoclassic tendencies in the Ukrainian composers’ oeuvre was connected with the desire to master classical music heritage (in the wide sense) in practice on one hand, and with neoclassical tendencies in Western culture in general on the other hand. The character of innovations showed itself in piano oeuvre first of all, which was naturally grounded on inner factors of national art heritage. In that very period an active attention of Ukrainian composers was aimed at the classic genres of Western piano music such as sonatas, baroque polyphonic genres, variational cycles and program suite. Experiments with form, rhythms, mode tonal organization and harmony are peculiar for symphonic, chamber instrumental, vocal oeuvre of M. Kolessa, R. Simovych, Z. Lysko, S. Turkevych-Lisovska. The consequences of V. Novak’s style influence with its tendency to symbolic, metaphoric folk songs’ palette, veiled impressionistic harmonies and texture, especially had an effect on their oeuvre. The merit of the Prague composers’ school in the development of Ukrainian art lies in realization of rich creative potential of national music, represented in Czech culture by young Ukrainian composers, who were successful in developing of bright innovatory tendencies of native art in European context. The forming of national musical style based on assimilation of neo-romantic and a modernistic tendency of world culture also belong to them. In our opinion, the musical theoretic approach multiplied by rethinking of factors of influence on their oeuvre in the learning of individual manner of Ukrainian composers' writing, who laid the foundation of professional national composer school, is one of the most important factors of high professionalism of the future teacher of music art.

Authors and Affiliations

S. V. Bedakova


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How To Cite

S. V. Bedakova (2016). Creativity of the Ukrainian ''Prague School'' Composers in the Context of Musical Theoretical Training of Future Art Disciplines Teachers. Вісник Житомирського державного університету імені Івана Франка, 86(4), 3-7.