Journal Title: International Journal of Langauges' Education and Teaching - Year 2017, Vol 5, Issue 1


The concept of Theater of the Absurd accelerating especially in the second half of the twentieth century was not only evaluated as incomprehensible but also found ridiculous and surprised when it was considered as a new genre. The aimlessness of people who cannot make their presence felt with their actions and their despair were exhibited in the tragic-comic contrast. The concept of Theater of the Absurd which can be assessed in two periods with the themes and the principles it defends developed under the leadership of the authors including mostly Ionesco, Beckett and Genet of the second period putting emphasis on the harmony of dissonance. These three pioneers of this theater existed with their unique style of playwriting. In this study, Ionesco’s ‘Kel Şarkıcı’ (The Bald Soprano), Samuel Beckett’s Godot’yu Beklerken (Waiting for Godot) and Jean Genet’s Hizmetçiler (Maids) were examined in the context of cyclical structures. The plays’ own texture and the fact that they were fictionalized with its cyclical structures associated with their concept of theater caused these three plays which have different styles of plays and the playwrights who defend different ideas to find common ground. As a result, it was found out that the structure in these plays served to concretize the fundamentals of theatre of the Absurd.

Authors and Affiliations

Hanife Nâlân GENÇ


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  • EP ID EP307201
  • DOI 10.18298/ijlet.647
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How To Cite

Hanife Nâlân GENÇ (2017). CYCLICAL STRUCTURE IN THE PLAYS ‘THE BALD SOPRANO’, ‘WAITING FOR GODOT’ AND ‘MAIDS’. International Journal of Langauges' Education and Teaching, 5(1), 345-358.