Cytologic and histopathologic results of euthyroid patients with multinodular goiter: Comparison with ultrasonographic features

Journal Title: Dicle Tıp Dergisi - Year 2012, Vol 39, Issue 2


Objectives: Fine-needle aspiration biopsy (FNAB) is the gold standard in the management of thyroid nodules and specimen should be obtained from dominant nodule. In our study, we aimed to compare the FNAB and histopathology results of dominant and non-dominant nodules and to evaluate the association between nodule size and histopathology results in patients with MNG. Materials and methods: Between 2009 and 2010, 197 cases who had diagnosed MNG were analyzed. These cases were performed FNAB from both dominant nodule and non-dominant nodule. 26 patients with inadequate cytological results were excluded and 171 cases were included in the analysis. Malignant ultrasonographic (US) features were defined as showing marked hypoechogenicity, microcalcifications, solid structure and not having peripheral halo. Results: No statistically significant difference was observed between malign cytology and suspected cytology ratios of dominant nodules and non-dominant nodules (p=0.083). Malignancy rates were higher at dominant nodules not having peripheral halo and non-dominant nodules including microcalcification at US. Also statistically significant difference was not observed (p=0.485) between malign histopathology rates of dominant and non-dominant nodules after surgery. Conclusions: According to cytological and histopathological results of patients with MNG, there was no significant difference between the malignancy ratio of dominant and non-dominant nodules. There is no obvious correlation between malignancy and nodule size in patients with MNG. We think that FNAB obtained not from only dominant nodules but also nodules with suspicious features of malignancy is necessary for most accurate diagnosis.

Authors and Affiliations

Ömer Yazgan, Fahri Beşir, Yusuf Aydın, Sibel Yazgan, Melih Erkan, Burhan Yazıcı, Ramazan Büyükkaya


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How To Cite

Ömer Yazgan, Fahri Beşir, Yusuf Aydın, Sibel Yazgan, Melih Erkan, Burhan Yazıcı, Ramazan Büyükkaya (2012). Cytologic and histopathologic results of euthyroid patients with multinodular goiter: Comparison with ultrasonographic features. Dicle Tıp Dergisi, 39(2), 201-206.