Czasowniki w nowszej leksyce słoweńskiej


The article is devoted to the presentation of 426 verbs, which are included in the dictionary of the newer Slovene lexicon Slovar novejšega besedja slovenskega jezika [SNBSJ, 2012]. The analysis demonstrates some modifications between the contents of SNBSJ and Slovar slovenskega knjižnega bezika [SSKJ] (the previous Slovene dictionary). The author of the paper uses such terms as homonymy, polysemy, semantic modification. The data are classified. The verbs and the functions of their parts were labeled as inchoative, terminative, finitive, resultative. The special attention was paid to the temporality and to the Slavic category, which is Aspect and to the aspectual division of the analyzed verbs. The set of used prefixes were presented together with their functions. The last part of the paper brings the semantic division of the analyzed data. This classification lets to make some observations about the modern Slovene society. The conclusions inform about such phenomena as the internationalization and globalization shown by the investigation presented in the article.

Authors and Affiliations

Agnieszka Zatorska


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How To Cite

Agnieszka Zatorska (2016). Czasowniki w nowszej leksyce słoweńskiej. Rozprawy Komisji Językowej Łódzkiego Towarzystwa Naukowego, 0(), 229-239.