The paper elaborates the PMMY performance in South Indian States. The performance analysis study is done using secondary data. India has the largest middle class population in the world with most of them engaged in agric...
The central theme of this study elaborates on the financial literacy of the women in the financial sector of Jaipur. The main purpose of the paper is to enhance better and impactful understanding of the subject so as the...
The purpose of this study was to analyze the influence of professionalism and motivation to work productivity through job satisfaction. The study was conducted using explanatory research that unstructured and informal wi...
Agriculture, worldwide has been in its natural and organic form from times immemorial but the industrial revolution and the ever increasing population paved way to green revolution which led to abnormal increase in the y...
International Accounting is considered to be a universal system that could be adopted in all countries. A world-wide set of generally accepted accounting principles. Developments made by different international organizat...
EP ID EP412321
DOI 10.9790/487X-2008030105.
Views 55
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How To Cite
Pooja Kudesia Srivastava (2018). Deconstructing Emotional Strings of Speakeasies. IOSR journal of Business and Management, 20(8),
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Performance Analysis of Pmmy in South India
The paper elaborates the PMMY performance in South Indian States. The performance analysis study is done using secondary data. India has the largest middle class population in the world with most of them engaged in agric...
A Study on level of Financial Literacy among Indian Women
The central theme of this study elaborates on the financial literacy of the women in the financial sector of Jaipur. The main purpose of the paper is to enhance better and impactful understanding of the subject so as the...
Effect Of Working Professionalism And Working Motivation To Work Productivity Through Work Satisfaction In The Office Of Immigration Ii Class Bekasi
The purpose of this study was to analyze the influence of professionalism and motivation to work productivity through job satisfaction. The study was conducted using explanatory research that unstructured and informal wi...
A Study on Urban Consumer Perception towards Organic Food Products
Agriculture, worldwide has been in its natural and organic form from times immemorial but the industrial revolution and the ever increasing population paved way to green revolution which led to abnormal increase in the y...
Challenges In Implementation Of International Financial Reporting Standards: Indian Context
International Accounting is considered to be a universal system that could be adopted in all countries. A world-wide set of generally accepted accounting principles. Developments made by different international organizat...