Дендрофлора насаджень ПАТ Дніпровського агрегатного заводу м. Дніпро (Dendroflora of greenery on territory private joint stock company «Dnipropetrovsk aggregate plant» in the City of Dnipro)

Journal Title: Питання біоіндикації та екології - Year 2018, Vol 23, Issue 2


The species composition and the vital state of green plantations on the territory of PJSC Dniprovsk aggregate plant in the city of Dnipro were investigated. The main emissions of this plant were sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides. The research was carried out in accordance with generally accepted methods on the basis of research and requirements for the registration of plantings. In total, 126 specimens of wood species grow on the industrial site of the plant. Deciduous tree were dominants and comprised 83 pcs. (65.8 % of all numbers of trees), whereas coniferous plants were 43 pcs. (34.2 %) respectively. The species composition is represented by 13 families and 21 species. The largest number of species belong to the Pinaceae family (29.4 % of the total amount of species). It was established that the largest number of specimens in the distribution of plants in height has a category 2.0–6.0 m – 32 pcs. (26.6 %), the smallest – 18.1–22.0 m, which is 11.6 % of the total number of trees, and is represented by only three species – Picea pungens, Betula pendula and Platanus orientalis. It was discovered that the group of plants with the diameter of boles that varies from 4.1 to 8.0 cm is the most numerous. These trees were planted later during the reconstruction. Their number is 29 pcs. and comprised 24.2 % of the total amount of trees. The smallest number of trees with values of diameter ranges from 20.1 to 24.0 cm, as well as from 44.1 to 48.0 cm. The largest diameter has only one Platanus orientalis – 63.0 cm. The predominant number of trees belongs to the second class of vitality conditions – 59 specimens (49.2 % of the total number of trees in plantation), to the first – 38, and to the third – 14. The most widespread damage to the trees that have been detected is the drying of the branches, burrs, stagheadedness, mechanical damage to the trunks, frost cracks. There are also sweeps of trunks and their inclination from the axis, decrease in the density of the crown and its asymmetry. The index of the woody plantation is 78.0, which is defined as weakened, although for the industrial territory it is a high indicator, since at values of 100–80 it is considered healthy. Вивчено видовий склад насаджень Дніпровського агрегатного заводу. Встановлено, що на промділянці зростає 174 екземпляри дерев, які відносяться до 21 виду і 13 родин. Домінуючими породами є Picea pungens і Betula pendula. Щодо діаметру штамбу та висоти найчисленнішими групами є рослини з показниками в межах від 4,1 до 8,0 см (24,2 % від загального числа дерев) та від 2,1 до 4 м (16,7 % від загальної кількості). Показано, що згідно розрахованого індексу стану деревостанів за кількістю дерев, які відносяться до різних класів життєвості, деревостан є ослабленим

Authors and Affiliations

В. П. Бессонова, О. П. Джиган (Valentina Bessonova, Olena Dzhygan)


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  • EP ID EP520158
  • DOI 10.26661/2312-2056/2018-23/2-07
  • Views 93
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How To Cite

В. П. Бессонова, О. П. Джиган (Valentina Bessonova, Olena Dzhygan) (2018). Дендрофлора насаджень ПАТ Дніпровського агрегатного заводу м. Дніпро (Dendroflora of greenery on territory private joint stock company «Dnipropetrovsk aggregate plant» in the City of Dnipro). Питання біоіндикації та екології, 23(2), 96-112. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-520158