Dependence of the physicochemical characteristics of acorns of pedunculate oak (Quercus robur L.) In the population of the ukrainian steppe steppes from their coefficient of form
Journal Title: Naukovyi visnyk Chernivetskoho universytetu. Biolohiia (Biolohichni systemy) - Year 2017, Vol 9, Issue 2
One of the promising areas of economic activity in industrialized countries is to ensure food security and the formation of rational and effective use of alternative sources of nutrient components. To implement this direction in Ukraine, in particular, in its Steppe zone, there are great opportunities to use various sources of raw materials, primarily plant origin. To this raw material can be correlated acorns of oak. In this paper, was demonstrated a detailed analysis of the physical-chemical and biochemical composition of the main acorn indicators in 7 populations of oak (Quercus robur L.), which grow on the southern border of natural distribution in the steppe zone of Ukraine, in the Donetsk region. It should be noted that these oak stands of the Ukrainian Steppe are formed in arid conditions during a long evolutionary process and developed a complex of adaptation mechanisms to meteorological, edaphic and ecology-population factors. To ensure objective results, was used modern methods of laboratory analyzes which recommended by the management system in the field of food safety - IS0 22 000. In this scientific work, the following parameters were investigated: proteins, fats, carbohydrates, starch, tannins, tannins, moisture, and ash. The shape of the acorn was calculated according to the recommendations by A.S. Yakovlev. One of the applied problems posed in this work was the determination of the regularities between the coefficient of the shape of the acorn (Kfa) and its characteristics which obtained in the course of laboratory analyzes. Thus, the results of this analyzes made it possible to identify the interrelation of certain biochemical indicators with the coefficient of the form of the acorn (Kfa) and the ecological specificity of the region which taken for the study. It was noted that the highest content of proteins (18,5%) and fats (13%) had acorns with a wide-round shape (Kfa < 1,50) and high carbohydrate content (26,6%) had acorns of typical shape (2, 01 > Kfa > 1,50). Dependence of the value of indicators of tannins was due to the moisture factor of soils. Thus, the populations of oak, which grow along the river Seversky Donets, had a higher rate of tannins, in compare to populations growing remotely from water sources. Thus, the obtained data indicate the possibility of widespread introduction of oak acorns, which growing in the Ukrainian Steppe as for the use of human economic activities, and as a valuable feed resource for animals.
Authors and Affiliations
Олександр Слєпих
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