Державне регулювання та стан екологічної безпеки у Чернівецькій області [State regulation and environmental safety condition in Chernivtsi region]


State policy in the field of normative and legal mechanism of ensuring of environmental safety has been elaborated. Existing structures related to anthropogenic and ecological safety issues as well as to emergency situation (structure, functioning modes etc.) have been characterized. Mechanisms of non-governmental organizations, trade unions, religious organizations and political parties involvement in prevention and liquidation of emergency situations consequences have been elaborated. Significance of monitoring system discussed. The paper also deals with issues of priority measures necessary for making effective and ecologically advantageous decisions. Situation in the field of natural resources research as well as their pollution and depletion has been characterized. Significant role was assumed by implementation programs developed for prevention of emergency situations and restoration of natural resources. Overall environmental situation makes it possible to come to the conclusion that issues of ecological safety and transition to sustainable development are becoming vital in Chernivtsi Region. It’s obvious that ecological development can not be achieved without appropriate measures. Ecological and social problems are closely connected and interrelated. Situation in our region indicates that we have considerable for resolving of ecological stability issue. First of all, it’s availability of highly skilled professionals, for instance ecologists, trained in higher and vocational educational institutions of the region. Important is also formation of relevant public opinion. Influence of ecologic non-governmental organizations on state authorities in making decisions in the field of ecology is also increasing. Thus, economical growth as well as intensification of processes aimed at economic development components are not possible without resolving of ecological safety issues. Governmental structures, local self-government offices and nature conservation agencies play significant role in resolving of these issues. Relevant scientific studies, methods of ecologic research and analysis of different types of ecological systems are especially important.

Authors and Affiliations

Serhiy Robulets, Volodymyr Sivak


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How To Cite

Serhiy Robulets, Volodymyr Sivak (2016). Державне регулювання та стан екологічної безпеки у Чернівецькій області [State regulation and environmental safety condition in Chernivtsi region]. Наукові праці Лісівничої академії наук України, 14(), 223-230. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-199383