Development of caryological and molecular-genetic investigations of wetland and dryland populations of conifers


Aim. On the basis of studies which carried out by various authors, regularities of karyotypic and genetic divergence of populations of conifers growing in wetlands and dry lands are analyzed. Methods. The karyological and molecular-genetic methods of analysis are used. Results. Data are obtained on possible ways of evolution of karyotypes, consisting in changes in the number of chromosomes, the size and morphology of chromosomes, the number of secondary constrictions in chromosomes, the spectrum of chromosome rearrangements, and the frequency of their occurrence, distinguishing wetland populations of conifers species from dry land ones. With the help of isozyme markers and markers of nuclear and cytoplasmic genomes differences in the genetic structure of conifers populations from wetlands and dry lands are revealed. Conclusions. The genotypic structure of conifers species in wetlands and dry lands, caused by different vector of natural selection in contrasting ecological conditions of growth, differs significantly, and their karyotypic and genetic differentiation corresponds to the level of populations and groups of populations. Keywords: populations of conifers, wetlands, dry lands, karyological and molecular-genetic markers.

Authors and Affiliations

Т. С. Седельникова


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How To Cite

Т. С. Седельникова (2018). Development of caryological and molecular-genetic investigations of wetland and dryland populations of conifers. Фактори експериментальної еволюції організмів, 23(), 387-392.