Development paradigm of post-industrial science on the basis of serviceology methodology
Journal Title: Бюллетень науки и практики - Year 2018, Vol 4, Issue 4
A subject of the article is the paradigm and elements of a paradigm of development and increase in efficiency of post-industrial science, the post-industrial science appears a subject of the article. The article is devoted to the formation of a paradigm of development and increase in efficiency of post-industrial science on the basis of serviceology methods. The relevance of the article is connected to the growth of the value of science in the conditions of post-industrial globalization, profound changes in Russian science. The purpose of the present article is synthesis of a paradigm of development and increase in social and economic efficiency of post-industrial science, for achievement of a goal such problems are solved: the entity of post-industrial science is researched; formation of a paradigm of development of post-industrial science on the basis of the general theory of services is carried out, the value of such important elements of a paradigm of development and increase in efficiency of post-industrial science as mentoring, communications, attention is probed. Functions of the state academies of Sciences in development and increase in efficiency of post-industrial science are offered. For the increase in the protection level of copyright and reliability of scientometric estimates, it is offered to use technology a blockchain, the method of financing of scientific research and innovative projects on the basis of the use of technology a blockchain is offered. Different types of risks in development and increase in social and economic efficiency of scientific activities and innovations are classified, described, probed.
Authors and Affiliations
Valerii Glushchenko, Irina Glushchenko
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