Diabetic mastopathy: A Case Report Clinically Mimicking Antibioma


Diabetic mastopathy is not a very common disease entity that occurs in premenopausal females with long history of type 1 diabetes mellitus, even if the patient is on treatment. It can be associated with the microvascular complications of the diabetes or some autoimmune disorders. The complication of the condition is its tendency to recur hence close follow up of the patient is mandatory.

Authors and Affiliations

Sandhya Panjeta Gulia , Kalaivani Selvi , SP Arun Kumar , Madhusudan Chaudhary


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How To Cite

Sandhya Panjeta Gulia, Kalaivani Selvi, SP Arun Kumar, Madhusudan Chaudhary (2014). Diabetic mastopathy: A Case Report Clinically Mimicking Antibioma. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RECENT TRENDS IN SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 9(2), 256-257. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-121236