Diagnosis of non-neoplastic changes in the anal canal using 3D ultrasound
Journal Title: Postępy Nauk Medycznych - Year 2013, Vol 26, Issue 8
The authors describe the anatomy of the anal canal, along with the instruments used in modern diagnosis of the most common non-cancerous anal canal diseases. In this paper give the principal performing ultrasound examination of the anal canal using a rectal probe rotational and hardware requirements. We describe the sonographic anatomy of the anal canal structures using the method of 3D imaging and benefits planning, and the nomenclature used in the descriptions of ultrasound examination. The differences in the construction of the anal canal, depending on gender and the evolution of the sphincter complex with age. Later in the paper the etiology of abscesses and anal fistulas and characteristics of the ultrasound examination. these lesions. Various methods of thorough imaging, particularly with the use of hydrogen peroxide and other techniques used to facilitate the correct ultrasound diagnosis of these changes. Compare the different methods used in the diagnosis of perianal abscesses and fistulas, their accuracy in finding the internal enterance and the criteria for its finding on ultrasound examination with reference to the historical methods of diagnosis. Later in this article show the damage to the anal sphincter and problems with incontinence. Compared to the methods used in the diagnosis of anal sphincter damage their advantages and disadvantages. They represent the characteristics of the ultrasound examination of the anal sphincter damage, difficulties of interpretation and mistakes. They point to the desirability of tests to determine the damage to the anal sphincter in the context of claims of patients with different proctologic and gynecological procedures.
Authors and Affiliations
Jacek Piłat, Sławomir Rudzki, Tadeusz Dryka, Wojciech Dąbrowski
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