Diagnostic and therapeutic algorithm of proceeding in back pain disorders

Journal Title: Rehabilitacja Medyczna - Year 2005, Vol 9, Issue 3


Back pain is a symptom presented in a broad range of disorders. Blurred or non-specyfic clinical presentation, excessive information from laboratory tests and image techniques, numerous therapeutic options of poor efficiacy evidence, explain difficulties in diagnosing and management of a person with low back pain. According to autor’s clinical observation there is a large number of back pain patients referred to specialized treatment with unrecognized cause and character of main and accompanying disorders. The paper presents an original pattern of diagnostic and therapeutic proceeding with patient apearing with back pain. Important and often neglected aspects of adequate diagnostic and therapeutic proceeding are discussed. The pattern is based on author’s clinical experience and literature review. The algorithm defines a logical consequence of proceeding and validates base for drawing clinical conclusions for an adequate therapeutic program design. Author believes that clinical proceeding according to the presented pattern could facilitate determination of a proper diagnosis and diminish the risk of incorrect treatment consequences.

Authors and Affiliations

Marek Krasuski


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How To Cite

Marek Krasuski (2005). Diagnostic and therapeutic algorithm of proceeding in back pain disorders. Rehabilitacja Medyczna, 9(3), 19-25. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-82169