Diagnozowanie i zabezpieczenie stóp diabetyków przed powstaniem owrzodzeń kończyn

Journal Title: Rehabilitacja w Praktyce - Year 2017, Vol 1, Issue 2


The paper attempts to introduce a new method of diagnosing and protecting a diabetic foot against ulceration. Patients with type 2 diabetes and individuals not suffering from diabetes in a similar age range were examined. We used a method applied in geodetics to assess its usefulness in predicting the formation of ulcers on the feet of patients with diabetes. In view of presented reports, our own method of diagnosing prodromal changes in diabetic patients indicates a high probability of accurate predictions of ulceration, as well as the ability to determine the rate of the disease course and to identify subsequent vulnerable areas of the foot. Probably the factors prompting the formation of diabetic foot lesions may be diagnosed about two years earlier.

Authors and Affiliations

dr Iwona Krysiak-Zielonka, dr hab. Krystyna Rożek-Piechura, prof. AWF Wrocław


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How To Cite

dr Iwona Krysiak-Zielonka, dr hab. Krystyna Rożek-Piechura, prof. AWF Wrocław (2017). Diagnozowanie i zabezpieczenie stóp diabetyków przed powstaniem owrzodzeń kończyn. Rehabilitacja w Praktyce, 1(2), 51-55. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-307540