Different Reviews on Video Encryption Using Transform and Coding


Multimedia networks such as multimedia electronic mail, Internet television, and video conferences are included among communication systems with high transmission rate in computer and communication networks. Multimedia encryption challenges originate from two realities: firstly, multimedia data have great volumes. Secondly, they need real-time uses. So, using encryption for security results in additional computations for information processing. As a result, a balance between security and synchronization requirement is necessary. To reach this aim, we use lightweight and high-speed encryption algorithms need to encrypt the video sequence of frames. In the current work we are going to present the different reviews of Video encryption.

Authors and Affiliations

Manisha Sharma, Kamaljeet kaur


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Manisha Sharma, Kamaljeet kaur (2015). Different Reviews on Video Encryption Using Transform and Coding. International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology (IJRASET), 3(4), -. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-20102