Journal Title: Питання біоіндикації та екології - Year 2015, Vol 20, Issue 1


The paper aims to study the extent to which the environment complex pollution with toxic gases and heavy metals affects on carotenoid content dynamics in the leaves of Tilia L. genus representatives in the conditions of the steppe Prydniprov’ya. Then research objects were four Tilia genus representatives, among them one local flora representatives (T. cordata Mill.) and three introduced species (T. amurensis L., T. europaea L., T. platyphyllos Scop.). The research material was collected in the period between May and September 2015 in the two sample areas: the test area, which is contaminated with SO2, NO2, iron, mangan, zink, mercury, chromium, and the reference area. The results of the analysis of carotenoid content dynamics in the leaves of those plants which grow under the anthropogenic pressure demonstrate, that in case the environment is polluted with toxic gases and heavy metals, it results in dramatic changes in pigment concentration during the vegetation period. An exception among the examined species is the curve of carotenoid content dynamics in T. europaea leaves, which demonstrates approximately the same level of carotenoid content in both the test and reference areas. The research findings clearly show that toxic gases and heavy metals have a significantly influence on carotenoid content of all the examined species, though the pattern of change varies from species to species. The most statistically significant changes are recorded in the aboriginal Tilia species during the whole research period. The study thus indicates that the dynamics of yellow, orange and red photosynthesizing pigments of Tilia assimilatory organs during the vegetation period is a parameter which is highly sensitive to the complex pollution of the environment with toxic gases and heavy metals. Изучена динамика каротиноидов в листьях Tilia amurensis L., Т. europaea L., T. cordata Mill. и T. platyphyllos Scop. в условиях комплексного загрязнения среды выбросами автотранспорта и промышленного предприятия. Установлено, что воздействие токсических газов и тяжелых металлов приводит как к изменению направленности динамики концентрации пигментов в течение вегетационного периода, так и к существенным изменениям в их количественном содержании в листьях исследованных видов лип.

Authors and Affiliations

Т. І. Юсипіва, В. В. Дротік T. Iusypiva, V. Drotik


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How To Cite

Т. І. Юсипіва, В. В. Дротік T. Iusypiva, V. Drotik (2015). ДИНАМІКА КАРОТИНОЇДІВ У ЛИСТКАХ ПРЕДСТАВНИКІВ РОДУ TILIA L. ЗА УМОВ АНТРОПОГЕННОГО ТИСКУ. Питання біоіндикації та екології, 20(1), 58-70. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-317649